What use is a ladder when you’re already up there? When you’re standing on the highest mountain or tallest building around, what else is there above you? Just light. From the sun, the stars, the moon. Light from distant, unreachable places.
Look up for a moment – you’ll see a ladder of light up there, high on one of the buildings. It was made by the Italian artist Massimo Uberti. As a ladder it isn’t leading anywhere in particular… But then maybe, the ladder isn’t there for you to climb up. Maybe it’s there for light to climb down, to us…
Fun fact
Massimo Uberti believes that art is one of the most powerful tools we have to imagine a different future. That is why in many of his projects he has started from the concept of the ideal city. In 2008, he based a work on a drawing of Sforzinda: the ideal city as envisioned by the architect Filarete in 1465. Uberti enlarged Filarete’s plan into a sculpture made of suspended neon tubes. This lit image floated like a new constellation between the actual city and the night sky. A city that is built on other considerations than man’s needs, that invites us to dream and look up towards the heavens, according to Uberti. Like this year’s celestial ladder.