
Discover inspiring light artworks against the backdrop of winterly Amsterdam, by foot. Put on a sturdy pair of shoes and a warm coat and take a walk!


We have developed a mobile app as a digital addition to your walking experience. It contains exclusive content and via an in-app purchase you get access to the route map, with the locations and descriptions of the artworks. This way you're not only upgrading your walking experience, you support our foundation at the same time. The route is 7.5 km and can be enjoyed in in its entirety, or in shorter sections.

The app will be available again soon

Hand with phone, with homescreen of festival app opened.


Explore the artworks on foot with an experienced guide. The guide will tell you all about the theme and light art and is happy to answer all your questions. Moreover, they will help you find the perfect angle to take your photos. The walking tour takes about 1,5 to 2 hours, is family friendly, and includes a light snack and a warm drink.

Walking tours can be booked from 1 October 2024 onwards