The sun has just set and submerges us, after her last golden rays on a bright day, into a magical blue glow: the blue hour has arrived. An hour which technically is not an hour, but a mere dozen minutes.
Landscapes gain extra depth during this short moment and the human skin takes on a soft hue - there is a reason why artists (like painters and photographers) view this as the best moment of the evening. With this phenomenon nature gently shows us that the day is over. Although the residents of the city are not quite ready yet, as they switch on their lights, both inside and outside of their homes.
A special moment of the day, which the artists visualize with this installation. Artificial lighting symbolizes our stubborn reaction to the turn off of natural light and with this contrast the environment emits a short, lively glistering. In the morning, right before sunrise, nature takes back control. The lights are turned off, the blue hour makes a short comeback again in the skies and it’s the dawn of a new day.