Michela Bonzi

It’s been awhile since we’ve said goodbye to the rake antennas (also known as yagi antenne) in the Netherlands. However, in Italy - where Michela Bonzi resides- they remain a well known fixture in the streetscape. We spoke to the artist about Rome, art and what inspires her.

When asked which artwork made the greatest impression on her, she doesn’t have just one answer: “I can’t choose, there are so many!” She mentions Guernica by Pablo Picasso and SkySpace by James Turrell but also the Pantheon in her hometown Rome.

The city is where she finds inspiration in her everyday life: “The urban and social context, but also nature inspire my work; my imaginative and tricky mind leads me to play with reality.” This is evident in the artwork she created. For ‘Antenna Sud’ she took ordinary items, antennas, and transformed then in artworks by recreating them using light. The dynamic programming gave the antennas a unique character.