This web must have been made by a giant spider! Did you know that spides weave an irregular web if there are toxic substances in the air? Learn more about thid fact this week!
The spider seems to come from a dark future, where a polluted and poisoned environment has mutated it to enormous proportions. Hopefully we'll never reach this point(!), but it is an interesting fact that inspired the artist for this artwork. She discovered that spiders weave an irregular web under the influence of toxic substances, such as pesticides. And not only on spiders, but on all living things, pollution has a negative effect. That is why it is important that our environment remains as clean as possible, including the air we breathe.
This edition is different from previous editions. This edition we are unable to realize a walking route, there are no boat tours and unfortubatly there is no festival. Thanks to our partners, we do, however, illuminate the city with light art. We placed seven works of art spread over four different city districts.